
We Are AeroUnwired

Sky Was Never the Limit

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About Us

Who Are We

"AeroUnwired" is an aero-modelling club, a branch of "Club Unwired", founded by the students of NIT Calicut who aspired to harness the knowledge of flight.

Inspired by the magnificent creatures with wings and technical aspects of the same, this club puts effort to build aircrafts and study the science of flight. The club offers knowledge to those who seek and invest their time in innovation. With a classic workspace to work, and supportive faculty members and seniors, this club welcomes all those who wish to learn.

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Completed Projects
Winners & Awards
Number of Teams
Planes Flown

Awesome Works


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We Are AeroUnwired

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Ipsum harum assumenda in eum vel eveniet numquam, cumque vero vitae enim cupiditate deserunt eligendi officia modi consectetur. Expedita tempora quos nobis earum hic ex asperiores quisquam optio nostrum sit!